Alla inlägg under december 2012

Av onessan - 18 december 2012 10:05

Last week I said good bye to my music students at häggdångerskolan.
It was bitter sweet. I like the school, the people I work with and the kids but it got to be to much.
I have or had two jobs and it was to hard to keep up with both.

I have never been good at saying good bye.
I always get this funny feeling all the way down in my gut and like something is stuck in my throat.
The kids were lovely and I am going to miss them a lot. But I promised that I would come and visit.
The people that I work with gave me a beautiful flower as a gift and kind words, that I will always remember.

Now to the boiled egg!
I decided to just go with my instincts on this one.
I boiled up the water with the egg in it, then when I felt that it boiled enough I turned down the heat from 6 too 3 and let is boil for 11minutes :)
This is the result

Av onessan - 11 december 2012 10:01

I was thinking that I should teach myself how to boil an egg.
Yesterday was the first time I tried...did not work all...
But I was not about to give up. So I tried today again and this time with a little bit of help from google I found a page that did it step by step...didn't help me none.

First of all I have never liked boiled eggs ( but I am 29 now so I thought that I should give it a try for real)
Second I don't know how I like my eggs done...
The first two eggs I made were really runny. Not my cup of tea.
Then I only had one egg left and that was much better but still to lose in the middle.
So I am thinking I like hard boiled eggs. But I won't find out until tomorrow.

Stay tune for the exciting continuation...

Av onessan - 10 december 2012 22:55

Right now I am at a place in my life that love.
I've been a married woman for about four months to a man that I love.
I have a job that I love and that I can truly say that I am good at.
I have people in my life that are good for me and that give me joy.
I feel more at peace with myself now than I ever have.

In all the craziness that goes on inside and outside of me I try to never forget all the positive things I have and enjoy in my life.
Never forget what you do have! All the other bad stuff doesn't seem to matter that much.

Good night/ cat

Av onessan - 9 december 2012 22:03

Now it's been over a year since I wrote anything...that's bad.I am on a journey and my journey started about a year ago.I have figured out that I am a person that need to talk about things BUT I am not very good at talking about the things that really bother me.That is what started my journey. I wanted to be a easier person to deal with in different relations. I think I was getting bitter.Bitter over the things that had happened to me in the past and I didn't know how to deal with it.So I grabbed the bull by its balls and went to get help. Help to sort out everything. I have lived 29 years and I needed help :)Right now as I am writing I am in a down period in my journey. I know that I am still doing progress but it is aggravating when I feel that I am standing still.Good night world


I am girl/woman that writes about my life. I try to be as honest as possible.
I suffer from low self-esteem and body hatred. I struggle everyday. I have good days and bad days.
I have lost friends and gained friends because of it. This is my journey.

Fråga mig

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